
the new wave of classic southern rock & soul
While not a concept album, per se, “Delta Tales” is thematically coherent. It is about the southern experience. Its songs are vignettes of love found, love lost, family, faith, historical burden, betrayal, sin, and redemption set in a southern cultural landscape. Yet, they are also universal themes.

Recorded from January through August 2020, 28 players and singers contributed to the Delta Tales album in 7 different studios throughout the United States.

Mixed by Brian Foraker except for #1 by David Granati #3, #8 by Mike Talanca
Mastered by Brian Foraker
Recorded at Maplewood Studio, Ambridge, PA.
A.V.A. Entertainment‑Jackson,
MS . Tune Town Newton Falls, OH.
Acker Creative Niles, OH.
Magic Man Studio Nashville, TN.
John Sferra Studio Niles, OH.
Reborn Studio Port Isabel, TX.